Thursday, January 21, 2010


This one cracks me up a bit. Saw Adam Lambert's new album. For Your Entertainment,  out at WalMart a couple of weeks ago - hadn't really heard anything on it, so I wasn't going to get it. Now I've heard some of the tunes, and really like them, so thought I'd pick it up the next time I went in. Heh. NO Adam Lambert. No empty space for Adam Lambert. Amazes me some of the other people they carry though - tons of offensive lyrics, people that hit their girlfriends, do drugs. But Adam gets banned because he's gay. Completely not fair and totally uncool. Not really surprising, since at one point they banned Harry Potter for being evil.

So I thought I'd go to the place in the mall, cos they have everything. And they not only had it, but it was on sale. Didn't hit me until I was leaving that I bought FYE at.. fye!

{And no, I'm not abandoning my beloved JMC - if you check out the receipt, the second CD is yet another copy of Waitin' in the Country, Jason's first album. Yeah. I've listened to them THAT much. LOL}

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