Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Need to get the last few days of photos uploaded. Should have done some while I was at home yesterday, but I didn't get very far. Why, you may ask? My GT addiction.

Ghost Trappers is a game on Facebook (which is the biggest time waster in the world, I know). In Ghost Trappers, the player is an agent for SCOTCH, the Secret Corporation of Trapping Castle Hauntings in Virtual Scotland. Using traps with candle circles and whiskey for bait, the goal is to snap as many photos of ghosts as you can. Some ghosts are easy to catch.. others not so much. There is a huge spot on Wikipedia dedicated to the game, which makes it a little easier to figure out what to do next.

There is a rather large community of people that like to play this game. And while some are snots and just out for themselves (ie. resellers), most of the ones I have found to talk with are very nice. I have been hanging out in the GT Chatroom, which is a great place to find answers to questions, or just get a bit silly. I've been adopted into their virtual family, and it's nice to have a place to go to talk about the game.

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